

Updates, news, guides, answers, and articles from Trailer Trading.

Do you have a used semi-trailer you want to sell?

If you're looking to sell your used semi-trailer, there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind, such as finding the true value of your trailer and understanding how condition and age can affect the overall price. If your trailer is in excellent condition, the process of finding a buyer to pay a fair price is easier. If you're unsure how much your trailer is worth, we'd be happy to give you a quote, often provided within just a few minutes! Whether your trailer is a tanker – that's been a true workhorse, [...]

July 17, 2022|

Where is the best place to sell my trailer?

There are several places where you can sell your trailer, depending on what type of trailer it is and what you are hoping to get. If you have a camper or RV trailer, you might try listing it on a site like eBay or Facebook Marketplace. Still, if you have a semi-trailer, your best bet may be to find a specialist with the necessary experience to value your trailer. Trailers vary considerably in price Depending on its size, make and condition, your trailer may be worth a considerable sum, but sending it to an auction [...]

April 14, 2022|

What’s the best way to sell a trailer?

Trailers are an essential part of the transportation system of goods, whether that be building materials, food, fuel, livestock, vehicles or machinery. Selling a trailer has long been very difficult, especially in the UK. Those major marketplace websites can be great if the right individual spots your vehicle instantly and has been waiting for an asset just like yours, however, it's generally a long, slow and painful process! From expensive advertising costs to extra fees and tyre kickers, selling your semi-trailer for the right price can take months at the best of times. You're [...]

February 17, 2022|

Why are they called ‘semi-trailers’?

A semi-trailer doesn't have a front axle while a large portion of its weight is handled by a tractor unit. They are called 'semi-trailers' because (unlike full trailers) there are no front wheels and they can only be moved when attached to the tractor unit. Therefore, semi-trailers usually have legs to support them when they are not in use. The name semi-trailer was adapted over time and is now what most people in the UK call them. When it comes to navigating, a semi-trailer has a much smaller turning circle than a full trailer, which [...]

April 22, 2021|

How do I sell my used semi-trailer?

Do you have a semi-trailer that is no longer needed? Maybe your business has changed, or the trailer just isn't getting much use but it's taking up valuable yard space? Before you scrap it and lose value, consider how to sell your used semi-trailer instead. Most people or businesses opt straight for the auctions or classified advertisement websites, but all too often, you can face a lengthy waiting time hoping to sell your model for the right price, only to waste even more time dealing with tyre kickers! At Trailer Trading, we've made it [...]

April 22, 2021|

Welcome to Trailer Trading

Welcome to Trailer Trading! We are 'The Semi-Trailer Valuation Specialists'. We simplify and speed up the process of selling your semi-trailer. Wherever you're based in the UK, we arrange a collection at a time that's right for you. No tyre kicking or haggling, which is all too often the case on auction and advertisement websites. We agree a price that is right for you. We valuate for FREE Superfast payments/same-day No hidden costs or fees. We receive your enquiry and quickly offer you a quote subject to viewing in person. We can properly valuate [...]

March 21, 2021|


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0161 432 1477




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0161 432 1477




9:00am – 6:00pm


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